Posts tagged TMJ
Tight Jaw? Tight Hips!

Many patients experience jaw pain and TMD symptoms.

When patients come to you with these symptoms, the most obvious place to start would be the jaw, right? What if I told you you may be looking in the wrong place? Have you considered looking at the patient’s whole body, their gait, posture, their hip alignment? Maybe after reading this article, you will.

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Minia AlonsoTMJ, Massage
Jaw Pain Explained

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction is a disorder that affects one in four people. It’s no wonder really when you consider that these little joints are the most frequently used in our body - constantly working whilst we laugh, talk, chew, sing and yawn.

This article will look at how clinical massage can alleviate many TMJ symptoms through myofascial trigger point work

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Minia AlonsoTMJ, Massage