Aromatherapy Massage

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Aromatherapy is a gentle and soothing form of massage using essential oils, which encourages mental and physical relaxation and can help relieve stress. 

When essential oils are inhaled messages are transmitted to the limbic system, which controls emotions and influences the nervous system and hormones. It is believed that certain aromas can trigger positive memories and emotions to help relieve anxiety.  The oils are understood to affect the heart rate, decrease stress levels, lower blood pressure, calm breathing, aid digestion and support the immune system.

This is a beautifully relaxing massage focussed on slow, gentle strokes to help you relax and unwind.


  • Helps boost mood and relieve stress.

  • Supports the immune system.

  • Can lower blood pressure

  • Calms the nervous system

  • Improves digestion

  • Balance Hormones

Helps With:

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety, depression & low mood

  • Muscular aches & pains

  • Nausea & vomiting